Sunday, December 6, 2015

LabVIEW Keyboard Shotcut for Objects & Movement

Today I learned one hidden trick to scroll through the Event, Case Structure & Stacked Sequence. Most of us know Ctrl + Mouse Wheel shortcut used to scroll through the Event, Case Structure & Stacked Sequence states one by one.  But if we use Ctrl + Shift + Mouse Wheel it scrolls through every 5th case/Event/Sequence state (Like 5,10...) from the beginning state (0 state). It will work only if we have more than 5 case/Event/Sequence states. I verified this Keyboard Shotcut in LabVIEW  2009


Yash said...

Awesome! I did not know you had a LabVIEW blog. Good tips.

Unknown said...

Nice Kumar.

Unknown said...

Good one!